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What is CBT?


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is often abbreviated to CBT.  CBT is a type of talking therapy, which looks at our thoughts (cognitions) and behaviours.  It   focuses on how “what we think” and “what we do”, is linked to our physical and emotional wellbeing.  It works on the basis that by making changes to the way in which we think and respond to situations, we can positively affect our emotions.  

CBT is not about giving advice nor is it just about thinking positively; it aims for clients to think in a balanced way and to gain perspective.  CBT uses guided discovery and it is collaborative at all times.  It explores current difficulties in detail and then helps clients to identify goals within their life framework.  Thereafter, sessions are designed to try out and learn new ways of approaching situations, using skills and techniques that research has shown to be helpful.  CBT aims to find and use a client’s strengths and combine them with new strategies for coping.  In time, and with practise, these can become a different way of life and progress can continue after therapy has finished, as clients become their own teachers.



What to expect with CBT


Prior to any commitment, we can arrange a 15-minute, confidential telephone conversation to answer any questions that you may have and to share the main reason for your seeking therapy (if you feel able to do so).

If you decide to go ahead with the first step, we will agree an initial assessment, which will consist of 2 x 50 min sessions.  The reason for assessment is to understand your circumstances and problems in more detail and to ascertain the impact they are having upon your life.  We may need to touch on past history in order to see how it impacts the way you feel today.  Assessment also aims to reach an overview of how you would like things to be.  At the end of assessment, we will summarise and discuss how we think CBT can help.  You can then decide if you wish to go forward and work together on a weekly basis. 

Future sessions would each last for 50 minutes.  In between sessions we would agree tasks, a type of homework, to try out new ideas or to practise things we have discussed in session.  This is an important part of therapy as it ensures continuity, similar to exercises given by a physiotherapist in between appointments.  A course of CBT lasts for between 12-16 sessions but could stretch to 20 for more stubborn concerns.  Therapy would be agreed in blocks of four sessions, with a review of progress in the third session of each block of four.

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What Can CBT Treat?


CBT is currently the recommended treatment by the NICE guidelines (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) for depression and certain anxiety conditions.  Evidence shows it is very useful in treating:


  •       Agoraphobia

  •       Anger

  •       Anxiety Conditions

  •       Depression

  •       Generalised Anxiety Disorder, GAD

  •       Health anxiety

  •       Low Self Esteem

  •       Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD

  •       Panic disorder

  •       Perfectionism

  •       Phobias

  •       Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD

  •       Social Anxiety

Our current therapist's

Ros Rheinberg

Marie Rhodes

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